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Gallatin County Meeting MInutes Summary December 27, 2017
DATE: December 27, 2017
MEETING SUBJECT: Special Meeting
LOCATION: Commission Conference Room
ATTENDEES: Commissioner White; Commissioners Skinner and Seifert via conference call;
Accounting Clerk Dawn Portzen; Commission Assistant Steph Kamerman
Claims Approval: Commissioner White read the Claims Memo into the record. The
Commission received warrants for consideration from the Auditor totaling $463,790.51. The
December 21, 2017 claims’ voucher list includes warrants 8158909 through 8159087.
Warrants #8158274 and #8158196 were voided because they were lost. Warrants #158357
and #8158385 were voiced because there were problems with the checks and were replaced
with warrants #8159073 and #8159087. Commissioner Skinner made a motion to approve
the claims as presented. Commissioner White seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion
carried unanimously. Claims approval
Discussion and Decision re: Approval of Contract with Stahly Engineering to Complete “PER”
for Bridge Replacements ($31,550.00). Commissioner Skinner made a motion to approve the
contract with Stahly Engineering to Complete the “PER” for Bridge Replacement in the amount
of $31,550). Commissioner Seifert seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried
Discussion & Decision re: Revised Amendment to Pessl Conservation Easement. Ms. Kamerman
explained that the easement was approved in the public meeting on December 19th, but the
easement needed to have a few words revised. Deputy County Attorney Erin Arnold and
County Administrator Jim Doar have reviewed and approved the revised easement.
Commissioner Seifert made a motion to approve the revised Pessl Conservation Easement.
Commissioner Skinner seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried unanimously.